Accreditations and Awards
CalCPA Member

California Society of Certified Public Accountants (CalCPA) is the largest statewide professional association of CPAs in the country. With more than 40,000 members CalCPA provides relevant continuing professional education to serve the needs of CPA’s and other financial professionals throughout the state of California.
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) is the world’s largest member association representing the accounting profession. Founded in 1887, the AICPA boasts a worldwide membership of more than 418,000 members in 143 countries representing many areas of practice including business and industry, public practice, government, education, and consulting.
Our Firm’s Relationship with Crowe Global as a CPAmerica Member

GYL is an independently owned and operated member firm of CPAmerica, Inc., one of the largest associations of CPA firms in the United States. Through our affiliation, we have instant access to the expertise and resources of 87 firms and more than 4,000 professionals across the United States. GYL offers clients unique access to national and international markets through our membership in CPAmerica. CPAmerica’s foundation is “Improving through Sharing.” As a member-driven association, CPAmerica has access to expertise from their member firms, as well as access to Crowe LLP, the eighth largest firm in the United States. CPAmerica is also a member of Crowe Global, a network that has provided global reach on a personal scale for almost 100 years to over 200 independent accounting and advisory services firms in 130 countries, and has a combined firm revenue of $4.4 billion. As a client of our firm, you truly receive the best of both worlds: the personal attention and sincere concern of a local firm and the knowledge and resources of an international association.
CTA – What makes us different

Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of Commerce

The Rancho Cucamonga Chamber is a voluntary organization of business professionals, individuals, and firms whose goal is to improve business and foster a stronger economy in the city of Rancho Cucamonga and the Inland Empire, as a whole.
Orange County Automobile Dealers Association

Established in 1932, The Orange County Automobile Dealers Association (OCADA) serves more than 140 franchised new vehicle dealers in Orange County. OCADA provides valuable products and services to dealers and associate members that are designed to save both time and money while striving to provide the best quality available.
Construction Financial Management Association

Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA) is the only nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the educational needs of today’s construction financial professionals. Current membership in CFMA totals over 7,800 members in over 98 chapters throughout the U.S. and Canada.
CTA – Your tax planning guide

Auto Dealers Office Management Association

Auto Dealers Office Management Association (ADOMA) was founded as a professional organization for controllers, business, and office managers. The goal of ADOMA is to educate and inform on changes that affect the automotive industry. The organization provides a large network of experienced automotive personnel as resources for its members.
Southland Motor Car Dealers Association

Southland Motor Car Dealers Association (SMCDA) was founded in 1932 and represents the majority of new car and truck dealerships in Southern L.A. County. The goal of SMCDA is to provide programs and services, and to address and be responsive to the needs of its membership.

CalCPA Top 150 Firm
CalCPA proactively drives evolution within the accounting profession through promoting business growth and integrity, protecting public interests and positively impacting community—delivering a better future for all.

IPA Top 500
Inside Public Accounting inspires firm leaders to build their practices through data-driven thought leadership and sharp analysis of financial and operational data from 600 firms every year. They are leaders in practice management resources across North America. IPA is devoted to the public accounting profession and has been for more than 35 years.